Monday, November 11, 2013

Oops I forgot to meal plan

I totally forgot to meal plan last week.  Actually, I guess I didn't actually forget to meal plan... This coming weekend is Rachel's long-awaited BABY SHOWER, so I decided that I would let myself off the hook during the work-week and focus all of my food-prepping energy for the big event.  So. Excited.

But this last week, particularly the weekend, was pretty successful.  During the week we didn't try any new recipes, but over the weekend I went a little nuts.

On Friday I decided that instead of not cooking, I would whip up some Roasted Red Pepper and Prosciutto Stuffed Chicken Breast.  If I had known how easy stuffed chicken breasts were to make (or really, chicken roll-ups), I would have made this type of dish ALL THE TIME years ago.  You simply pound your chicken breasts flat (or even easier, use chicken cutlets), lay whatever type of ingredient on top of it, and roll it up.  I've experimented with the "inner" ingredients a few times now, and have found that it's best to use something that will help the chicken keep it's moisture.  Bacon (and all it's grease) or in this case, roasted red peppers (from a jar with oil inside it) both worked wonderfully.

I also got my dough started for the loaf of bread I made.  Yes, I'm bragging - mostly because I can't actually believe who I have become.  Apparently, I am now someone who wears an apron and makes their own bread from scratch. #helladomestic

But to back up, we had this bread over at our friends Denali and Kyle's house a few weeks ago.  I remember asking them, "WHERE did you buy this bread".  Kyle then responded that he MADE it.  I was in shock.

While the bread definitely took a lot of time-management planning, it actually was pretty easy. Here was the beautiful end result.  I wish I could have been as modest as Kyle was, but on Saturday when our friends arrived, I was definitely all, "Hey you guys, check out the bread I MADE".

Which brings me to Saturday.  We had Jamie and Collin (the McCoys!!) and Breanne and Sonny over for dinner.  It was so much fun to cook for them and catch up (while we enjoyed the delicious red wine they brought).

We did end up making the crab stuffed halibut, but instead of the quinoa we made green beans.  

Action shot!

Greg's face LOL.

The next day we had breakfast sandwiches with the left over bread.  (And now I'm officially going carb-free for a week).

Oh wait, no I'm not.  

Here is what I have planned for my week of limited cooking:

Monday:  Tonight we will have a Angus beef roast with carrots and potatoes from Costco (pre-packaged meal).

Tuesday:  I have made this before, but I don't think I included the recipe (from InStyle Magazine).  This is a great and easy recipe to make when you have cherry tomatoes to use up (which I have a ton of left over from a Costco run). 

Wednesday: La Palmera maybe?

Friday: Owen's first birthday party!

Saturday is a full day dedicated to baby shower preparations, so Greg can bring home take out.  We both have been craving Pho lately, so maybe this will be a good night for that!

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