Saturday, September 17, 2011

Due Date Surprise (And no, it wasn't a baby)

I figure since part of the reason I am blogging is so I can look back on this year and remember the whole "Journey to Ben", I should blog about what happened on my way home from work yesterday. 

The last couple days had been pretty good, considering the fact that I had accepted that Ben would be late.  I had had a productive day at the office and was planning to spend the evening with Rachel, Peter, and a 1/2 a glass of red wine.  As I was sitting at a stop light, honestly feeling as though there was absolutely NOTHING else I needed to do to prepare for this baby (whenever he should arrive), I was rear ended (HARD) and pushed into the car in front of me. 


I am happy to report that my air bag did not deploy and my belly didn't hit anything, but talk about being a little emotionally rattled!  (Imagine the horrified look on the guy's face when he realized he had just plowed into a 40-week pregnant woman).

After we all pulled into a parking lot, gave our statements to the police, and exchanged our information, (not to mention the witness who saw the whole thing go down, saw I was pregnant, and also called the police and requested the fire truck with sirens blaring to come make sure I was okay), I called my doctor to see what she thought I should do.  She told me to get someone to take me to the hospital immediately for 4 hours of observation (which immediately worried me and made me cry).

Greg came straight home from work and off to the hospital we went.  Imagine our surprise to find ourselves checking into Labor and Delivery, ON MY DUE DATE, to NOT have a baby. 

(Belly looks enormous from this angle)!

Anyway....they monitored Ben's heart rate and my contractions for 4 long hours to make sure things looked okay.  They felt okay releasing me at that point, but I was told to call back if I experience any additional pain (you know, because at 40 weeks pain is so uncommon...).  The one positive thing of this whole ordeal was that I got to meet a bunch of nurses on the floor, (one of whom specifically requested that we ask for her when it's baby time - she was awesome) and ask a lot of questions about what we could expect later this week when we are back. 

Monitoring.  Top line is baby's heart rate, bottom is my contractions.

And then we went home. 

I am a little on the sore side today, but happy to know that Ben is doing well.  I am extremely irritated that in the midst of "when will my baby arrive", I now also have to deal with taking my car to the shop,  not having a car to drive, and dealing with insurance companies....but in the end, I know that the fact that we are healthy is ALL that matters.

And as for Greg, I couldn't be luckier to have him for my husband.  He took me to get husband/wife pedicures this afternoon to cheer me up, much to the delight of the ladies at Happy Nails (where I have only gone solo thus far).  When they asked him if he was excited to be having a boy, he exclaimed, (loud enough for everyone there to hear):

"Oh yeah!  I can't WAIT until the day we can get father/son pedi's together"! 

The entire place erupted in laughter and I fell even more in love with him for knowing exactly what to do to make me feel better.

And for the record, he freaking loved it.  Massage chair, someone rubbing his feet and FOOTBALL of all things playing on the flat screen they have up on the wall made for a happy Greg  :)


  1. So glad you are okay! What a day for you. Get some rest and hopefully in the next week we'll get to see a post on Ben's arrival! (PS. What a great husband for taking you to get your pedi-score!)

  2. I'm so sorry that this happened, Jessica! But so glad that you and Ben are okay! Yay for amazing husbands to the rescue! I'm thinking about you every day and hoping for a fast and easy delivery very soon!
